A Trilogy of Hope
The Choosing
No Choice...
and The Last Choice


Want to JOIN this fierce tribe of Spiritual Warriors? 

A place to be encouraged and find some

"hope in the darkness?"

About once a month, I share from

my own personal journals.

Writing to encourage myself, I found I could

encourage other folks who also felt like they were

panning for

hope with holes in their buckets.

It's my desire to share that hope with you. Giving you more to enjoy in your inbox than political ads and incoming bills.

It's about two minutes of feeding your soul...and then facing your day with a stronger feeling of assurance...

and perhaps a little warmth in your belly.

 As a side note...in case you didn't know...

I've written a trilogy.

The Chronicles of Shadows.

It begins with Book I

The Choosing-

it is Britton's story of what

autism feels like...

and how he perceives the world.

It is sold in the fiction genre-

because, well...who would believe

the stories he tells?

But I believe them...

maybe you will too?

If you could use a little hope in your inbox...

I'd love to help you

"Find truth in the dark."

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